بیماران بین المللی

بیماری های داخلی

بیماری های داخلی

Internal Medicine (Internal Medicine) is one of the broadest branches of modern medical diagnosis and treatment and develops day by day. At the Hospital of Internal Medicine, the Internal Medicine Department specialist physicians and healthcare team follow these technological and scientific developments closely and implement them in the best way. They increase their vocational and personal development day by day and serve with smile.


The Department of Internal Medicine, which deals with the diagnosis and treatment of many other diseases affecting diabetes, obesity, liver, leukemia, lymphoma, digestive system, rheumatism, thyroid, kidney and pancreas, pituitary gland and internal organs, the health and satisfaction of patient and patient relatives with state- .


The Department of Internal Medicine aims to offer the fastest and most accurate treatment methods with constant information sharing between the units; policlinic and service.



Diagnosis and Treatment Main Topics

Endocrinology (related to hormones) and Metabolism Diseases and Diabetes (Diabetes)

Gastroenterology (Digestive System Diseases)

Rheumatology (Rheumatic Diseases)

Pulmonary Diseases

Heart diseases

Infectious Diseases

Hepatology (Liver Diseases)

Hematology (Blood Diseases)

Netology (Kidney Diseases)

بیماری های داخلی

نام و نام خانوادگی
شماره تلفن
ادرس ایمیل
پیام شما
من اطلاعات مربوط به KVVK شماره 6998 را خوانده ام. من به استفاده از اطلاعات تماس خود برای ارائه خدمات و بیان رضایت می دهم.