بیماران بین المللی

جراحی قفسه سینه

جراحی قفسه سینه

Departments related to surgical treatment and trauma of pulmonary, lung, lung membranes mediastinum, chest wall, ribs and diaphragm residues in thoracic cavity.

In addition, clipped ETS surgery applied in extreme hand, armpit and face sweats and face cheeks is also applied in the branch of Chest Surgery.

In Başarı Hospital Chest Surgery Policlinic;

- Lung, closed lung bee (VATS) / open biopsy operations,

- Emptying intrathoracic fluids (with thoracentesis, Pleurocan catheter or Tube thoracostomy)

- Bronchoscopy; performing biopsy procedures for endoscopic examination of the respiratory tract for diagnosis and treatment of lung diseases.

- Extreme hand, armpit and facial sweating (Hyperhidrosis) and excessive facial fissure ETS surgery.

- closed treatment (VATS) of air sacs (bullae) leading to pneumothorax (Lung typhus and lung dysfunction)

- Diagnosis, follow-up and operations of lung nodules

- Lung cysts, bronchiectasis surgeries

- Mediastinal tumor and cyst operations

- Chest Wall / Surgery of Rib Tumors

- Diaphragm surgeries

- Port Catheter insertion (permanent vascular access for chemotherapy in cancer patients)

- PFT (Pulmonary Function Test) is performed.

جراحی قفسه سینه

نام و نام خانوادگی
شماره تلفن
ادرس ایمیل
پیام شما
من اطلاعات مربوط به KVVK شماره 6998 را خوانده ام. من به استفاده از اطلاعات تماس خود برای ارائه خدمات و بیان رضایت می دهم.